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Master huang's diary of entrepreneurship(May.5.2019)

已有 3142 次閱讀2019-5-5 18:19 |個人分類:创业日记

1.I always wanted to write a perfect program, but perfection takes time as a price...So I decided to write a garbage program that could implement basic functions first...On the one hand, It can accelerate the progress of profit, the other hand I can familiar with this program's logic...So I can make this program perfect gradually...
2.Today afternoon, when I opened Ubuntu, found that blue screen problem appeared in Ubuntu OS unexpectedly...My first reaction is still to reinstall the Ubuntu system, but it doesn't work at this time since there're lots of programing sourcefiles in this OS and my half month's labours is all in this...So I have to solve this problem...after searching on line, I understand that the x-system is damaged by violent shutdown, so the solution is to repair x-system and reboot it...it's not very diffcult, so it's not a good habit to always reinstall OS when something is wrong with your computer...hehehe...

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